Fugro is one of the world’s leading providers in collection, processing and interpretation of earth related data from the air, on ground and on water.
In the Europe & Caspian region Geophysics is one of eight Service Lines. Besides Wireline Logging the GP Service Line offers Reflection and Refraction Seismic and other ground geophysical methods.
We have offices with Wireline Logging capability in Austria, Germany, UK and Turkey and we have performed more than 2000 projects during the last two decades not only in our region but worldwide. Our WL services provide the following solutions:
• Analysis of geological discontinuity planes
• Petrophysical parameters (formation density, porosity, velocity of elastic waves, elastic ground parameters
• Lithology & geology
• 3D survey of subsurface cavities
• Rock stress analysis
• Exploration logging for various minerals
• Borehole geometry logging
• Hydraulic logging
• Technical check of water wells
Details about our WL capabilities can be found on www.fugro.at.