The Forum provides a powerful international platform to companies, policy makers, international investor and experts for presenting business strategies, new technologies, investment projects, case studies and also for holding polemic discussions with the stakeholder groups. The Forum addresses the on-going developments and prospects for policy changes, investment, financing, exploration, mining and processing of minerals and metals across the countries of the European Union and member states.
MINEX Europe Technical Committee calls on national and international mining companies, analysts, investors, technological companies and government authorities to submit before 15 May 2017 abstracts to be considered for presentation at the Forum. The Forum agenda and confirmed speakers will be announced on the Forum website once all speaker proposals have been accepted.
Presentation abstracts are invited in the following theme areas:
- Mining policies and benchmarking
- Mining and exploration projects
- Investment and privatisation projects
- Mining finance and investment
- Managing mining technical risks (geological, exploration, mining, processing, environmental)
- Managing non-technical risks (political, social, financial, economic, etc.)
- Responsible mining: SLO practices in extractive industries
- Reinventing mining: the role of emerging technologies and innovation in shaping the future mine today
Are you considering participation in the Forum and interested in becoming a speaker?
Follow the links below for presentation opportunities, terms, application form and preliminary program
Preliminary agenda– click here
Speaker presentation terms– click here
Speaker form– click here